Category: Truly Responsive Slides


Truly Responsive Slides

All parameters related to the overall slider used for the slideshow.

Slider type  The slider type to use for all the slides.
Basic slider
Basic slider with dots on top
Basic slider with dots below
Show slides with an optional navigation (with or without dots)
Auto-resize thumbnails slider With auto-resize thumbnails
Show slides with thumbnails. There are at most 5 thumbnails per line. Their size is automatically calculated. The more slides, the more rows of thumbnails below the slider
Thumbnails carousel slider Pro
With thumbnails carousel
Show slides with an additional carousel of thumbnails (in one single row, under the slides)
Auto-hide thumbnails carousel slider (closed)Auto-hide thumbnails carousel slider (open) Pro
With auto-hide thumbnails carousel
Show slides with an additional carousel of thumbnail that becomes visible on touch or click (in one single row, on top of the slides)
Max width The width in pixels the slider should not go over.
Leave blank to make the slider resize itself in its container
Border width The border for the slider in pixels
Navigation Basic slider
Whether to use a navigation and if using one, where it shows
  • None no dots
  • Under dots are located under the slider
  • On top dots are located over the slider
Current tab color
Auto-hide thumbnails carousel slider
The color of the tab for the current slide
Other tabs color
Auto-hide thumbnails carousel slider
The color of the tabs for all but the current slide


Color The color of the arrows
Background color The background color of the arrows (leave blank to keep transparency)
Background radius The radius of the background edges.
A 0 value will keep the background square, 20 will make it round. Anything in between will give a round effect to the corners
Shadow The shadow width for the arrows (in pixels). Use 0 to show no shadow

A live widget is available to preview the resulting output.

since v2.0 Auto-resize thumbnails slider
Pro Thumbnails carousel slider Auto-hide thumbnails carousel slider


Thumbnail width The width in pixels of the thumbnails used for the carousel
Thumbnail height The height in pixels of the thumbnails used for the carousel
Crop Crops the pictures if in the wrong width/height ratio
Mime type The mime type of the generated thumbnail. When no option is available, the thumbnail is of the same type of the original image
Quality .jpg The quality for the .jpg image (0..100).
100 has best picture quality but image file weight is the biggest
Quality .png The compression for the .png image (0..9).
0 has best picture quality (no compression) but image file weight is the biggest
Quality .webp The quality for the .webp image (0..100).
100 has best picture quality but image file weight is the biggest

Note that when an image of WebP type is encountered, a fallback image is also created.
WebP support requires PHP 7.1 minimum when using the GD extension
Quality .avif The compression for the .avif image (0..100).
100 has best picture quality but image file size is the biggest.

Note that when an image of Avif type is encountered, a fallback image is also created.
Avif support requires PHP 8.1 minimum when using the GD extension

An image PHP extension is required for the creation of image thumbnails. The GD PHP extension is used by default. Make sure this extension is available on your service provider's server. The extension will detect this automatically.

Joomla 4 The extension supports the Imagick PHP image extension. If Imagick is available on your server, you may use it instead of the GD extension. To do so, go to the SimplifyYourWeb extensions System plugin and select the preferred library.

When WebP or Avif thumbnails are created, fallback images are automatically created as well (as specified in the 'advanced' tab) for the largest browser support.

When using the slider with auto-resize thumbnails, the slider script is fully responsible for the output and is not compatible with the <picture> element. Therefore, if the slide's image is using the WebP image file format (for instance), the fallback is used instead for the thumbnail.