Category: jQuery Easy

Scripts options

jQuery Easy
New Profiles
Defer Scripts
Add the defer attribute to all listed URLs. URLs can be partial, so that you can target several scripts in the same directory at once. Set one path per line.

Example js/script_to_defer.js

Strip remaining scripts Get rid of the scripts that have not been automatically removed by the plugin but still need to be stripped out (one path per line). The path is the content of the src attribute of the script tag.

Example js/unwanted_script.js

Note The scripts will be searched in the whole page unless the modifications are limited to the <head> tag.

The actions on scripts are independent from all other fixes.

Head tag

The following scripts will be added to the <head> tag.

Add scripts Add javascripts (one path per line)


Profiles Add optional 'async' and/or 'defer' to the scripts. New v5.1 Add entries through a user-friendly repeatable field.


Add script declarations Add javascript declarations.

Example var myVar = jQuery.noConflict();

Add jQuery declarations
This includes the scripts into a document.ready close. Add any jQuery code referenced with $. This code is included AFTER the button and tooltip fix code, allowing the re-assignment of the new functions to elements on the page.

Example $('.print-icon').tlp(); where tlp is the new function for referencing tooltips. If using the tooltip fix for jQuery UI, this will force the print icon to show jQuery UI-style tooltips.

Note Scripts are added after all the plugin modifications. Therefore, the scripts can contain any code without the risk of being removed by the plugin. Moreover, the script declarations are added in front of any other script declaration added by other extensions on the page.


Body tag end

The following scripts will be added before the end of the <body> tag.

Add scripts Add javascripts (one path per line)


Add script declarations Add javascript declarations.

Example var myVar = jQuery.noConflict();